Christmas Card Wishes

More than 2000 years ago, three men set out with gifts and treats in search of a newborn baby and to wish his parents a happy time. The tradition continues even today, with all of us opening our hearts every Christmas to shower our dear ones with festive greetings. TheHolidaySpot presents you with a clutch of memorable sayings by renowned personalities that are apt to use on Christmas e-cards or greeting cards. So pick any of these Christmas Card Wishes you like and use in your festive cards for dear ones. If you like these Christmas Card Wishes, click here and forward this page to your friends for their benefit. Wish you a merry Christmas!

Express your Christmas wishes to loved ones with these beautiful phrases and verses:
  • It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.
    ~ W. T. Ellis.

  • Peace on earth will come to stay,
    When we live Christmas every day.
    ~ Helen Steiner Rice.

  • At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year.
    ~ Thomas Tusser.

  • A little smile, a word of cheer, A bit of love from someone near, A little gift from one held dear, Best wishes for the
    coming year… These make a Merry Christmas!
    ~ John Greenleaf Whittier.

  • One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly."
    ~ Andy Rooney (1919-), American writer, producer, humorist.

  • Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends."
    ~ Margaret Thatcher (1925- ), English political leader.

  • Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving year - and yet, for all that, when it speaks, its voice has
    strong authority.
    ~ W.J. Cameron.

  • Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!
    ~ Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers, 1836.

  • Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.
    ~ Washington Irving.

  • Yuletide excitement is a potent caffeine, no matter your age.
    ~ Carrie Latet.

  • Remember
    This December,
    That love weighs more than gold!
    ~ Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon.

  • Keep your Christmas-heart open all the year round.
    ~ Jessica Archmint.

  • Once again we find ourselves enmeshed in the Holiday Season, that very special time of year when we join with our loved ones in sharing centuries-old traditions...
    ~ Dave Barry.
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