Celebrate International Women's Day
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Women'S Day marks the role of women in both the past and the present. This day is not like Valentine's Day, which is a celebration. It was started to highlight the importance of working women and bring to light their problems. Thus women must come together and emancipate themselves and this is not a one-day agenda. However using such an occasion to start the process is welcome. This day is a great way to honor the many women in our lives- mothers, sisters, wives, daughters -- everyone should be made to feel special.

The Russians started International Women's Day in 1909, and they're still the premier celebrators of the March 8 holiday. Around the world, the event is a way to honor women's contributions to history. But in Russia, the festivities go a step further - men and boys are expected to bestow presents on all the women in their lives.
Here are a few ways by which you can mark the cause:

1. Think about all those women, living and dead, who have helped in their own way to shape your life. Do something they (or at least a few of them) would have liked.

2. Consider cooking their favorite food, planting their favorite flowers in your garden or sending a check to their favorite charity. The idea is to make them feel special.

3. Share your experience with your loved ones about the women you admire most. Talk about both the ones you've known personally and those you've only read about in books.

4. Tour an art museum near you and pay special attention to the work of female artists. Or visit the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C.

5. Host an all women's party and have a ball of a time.

6. Shower the women in your life with wonderful gifts (if you're a man) expressing your love and respect towards their individuality.

7. Accept graciously when the men in your life shower you with gifts (if you're a woman).

8. Last but of course not the least is the feeling that originates from within-remember the hardships in general and discrimination in particular that plagues the womankind and mars their overall well-being because to progress (in life), one needs a discrimination-free existence. After all,we,mere mortals should not take the liberty to judge a person superior or inferior.

Every day goes by so quickly, so having such a day is great! However dedicating a day for an event is not enough. The real challenge lies in the spontaneous flow of feelings- honoring and celebrating womanhood on a particular March 8 only to forget its importance the next day is sacrilegious.

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