Mocktail Recipes
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1.A.S. Macpherson

2 Dashes of Bitters
Splash of Sour mix
Splash of Orange juice
Splash of Club soda
Orange slice
Maraschino cherry


Shake over ice. Strain into over fresh ice in a highball glass. Top with soda. Garnish with a flag


2 oz. Orange juice
2 oz. Pineapple juice
Splash of Sour mix
Dash of Grenadine
Splash of Soda
Maraschino cherry


Shake over ice. Strain over fresh ice in a Collins glass. Top with soda. Garnish with a cherry

3.Lime Cola

Splash of Lime juice, Cola

Serve over ice in a tall glass.
Garnish with a Lime wedge.

4. Sunset Cooler

4 oz. Cranberry juice
2 1/2 oz. Orange juice,
Splash of Lemon juice,
Ginger Ale

Blend juice with ice until smooth, Top with Ginger Ale, Garnish with Flag

5. Strawberry Colada

Equal parts of :
Fresh or frozen Strawberries,
Cream of coconut, and
Pineapple juice

Blend with ice until smooth and serve in a Hurricane glass.
Garnish with a Flag

6. Virgin Mary

6 oz. Tomato juice,
Dash each of Worsteschire,
Lime juice,
Salt, Pepper, Celery salt to taste

Mix all over ice,
Garnish with a Celery stalk & Lime wedge

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