Halloween Card Facts

One of the most popular American holidays, Halloween is also one of the greatest card sending occasions in the United States. Know some interesting facts related to greeting cards exchanged during Halloween celebrations in the U.S. and inform yourself more about the festival. If you like going through these Halloween Card Facts, click here and pass this page on to your friends. Have a fantastic Halloween celebration!

Go through these Halloween card facts and have a great time with DeepestFeelings:

According to the Greeting Card Association, 7 billion greeting cards are bought every year in the U.S. That means 90% of American households purchase paper greeting cards.

Approximately 35 million Halloween cards were exchanged in 2008 as per a study by the Greeting Card Association, a United States trade organization representing the interests of greeting cards, gift wrapping paper and stationery manufacturers.

Over 7.4 billion cards were sold to Americans last year. That is approximately 235 cards sold per second!

Hallmark Cards and American Greetings are the largest producers of greeting cards in the world.

According to a survey by the International Mass Retail Association, nearly all Americans (82%) purchase products related to Halloween, such as paper greeting cards that sale quite well despite stiff competition from e-cards that come for free.

On an average, an adult American spends nearly $65 on Halloween related products such as costumes, candy, decorations and greeting cards.

In the United Kingdom, about one billion pounds are spent on greeting cards every year, with the average person sending 55 cards per year.

Postcards were very popular for sending wishes on Halloween in the early 1900’s, specially between 1905 and 1915, but slowly fell out of favor with the rise of greeting cards.

In America, consumers are expected to send each other 28 million Halloween cards in 2010.

Photo frame Halloween cards are also becoming much popular for sending a festive wish.

In the U.S., E-cards continue to be the best and fastest medium for sending a Halloween wish other than the sms (Short Message System).

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