Folks Its time to celebrate all over again with Thanksgiving bringing in loads
of good cheer. Its also the perfect time to learn about the symbols of Thanksgiving
that makes it all the more special. So gear up to bask in the Thanksgiving spirit. TURKEY
celebration of Thanksgiving will be incomplete without the legendary Turkey. The
Turkey derives its name from the 'turk turk' sounds it makes when scared. The famous
'Turkey' adorns the table of every household as a main course during the celebration.
The customary dinner is a reminder of the 'Four Wild Turkeys' served at the 'First
Thanksgiving Feast'. The festivity completes with the customary 'Turkey Song'.
for the turkey song 
Cornucopia, also known as the 'horn of plenty' is the most common symbol of
a harvest festival. A Horn shaped container, it is filled with abundance of harvest. The
traditional cornucopia was a curved goat's horn filled to brim with fruits and
grains. According to Greek legend, Amalthea (a goat) broke one of her horns and
offered it to Greek God Zeus as a sign of reverence. As a sign of gratitude, Zeus
later set the goat's image in the sky also known as constellation Capricorn

of the most popular symbols of Thanksgiving is the Corn. With It's varieties of
colors it makes for a very interesting symbol. Some Americans considered blue
and white corn to be sacred. It is believed that native Americans had been growing
corn a long time before the pilgrims arrived in their country. The Americans taught
pilgrims how to grow corn and help them survive the bitter winter. The Corn eventually
became a part of the first thanksgiving dinner and the tradition continues till
date where the corn finds its place on every dinner table the world over and specially
during the Thanksgiving dinner. Ornamental Corncobs are a favorite with the masses
during the festival. The dining tables are decorated with harvest wreaths which
is also a very popular gift item among Americans. Ornamental popcorns are also
widely used. Corn reminds us of the importance and heritage of the famous harvest
festival. It also remains America's foundation of 'Modern-Agriculture '.

'Pumpkin pie' is another modern staple at almost every Thanksgiving table. It is
customary. Pumpkin leaves were also used as salads. According to historians, the
pumpkin is one of the important symbols of the harvest festival and has been an
All American-favorite for over 400 years now. 
Beans are a special symbol of thanksgiving. Native Americans are believed
to have taught the pilgrims to grow beans next to cornstalks. So that beans could
grow and use cornstalks as their pole. Thus American beans are also known as 'Pole
Beans'. Famously known as one of the 'Three sisters', beans are a part of thanksgiving

Originally called crane berry, has derived its name from its pink blossoms and
drooping head which reminded the pilgrim of a crane. It is a symbol and a modern
diet staple of thanksgiving. Pilgrims soon found out a way to sweeten the bitten
cranberries with maple sugar. Ever since cranberry sauce is a permanent companion
of turkey during thanksgiving feast.