Celebrities Born on the 4th of July

It was on the 4th of July in 1776 that America the nation was born. Let us share with you the names of those famous people, the celebrities who share their natal days with the birthday of America. Check out the article below to know about the celebrities who were born on the 4th of July. If you love reading this article and want to share it with your loved ones, click here and pass this article on to your friends and loved ones. Wish you a happy American Independence Day!
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Know which well known personalities were born on the same date as America.

Month Year Celebreties Born
4th July 1804 Nathaniel Hawthorne (author of "The Scarlett Letter")
4th July 1826 Stephen Foster (Songwriter)
4th July 1847 James Bailey (Circus founder)
4th July 1872 Calvin Coolidge (30th US President)
4th July 1883 Rube Goldberg (Newspaper cartoonist)
4th July 1885 Louis B. Mayer (co-founder of MGM)
4th July 1902 George Murphy (Actor/politician)
4th July 1910 Gloria Stuart (Actress, famous for her role in "Titanic")
4th July 1913 Barbara Weeks (Actress)
4th July 1918 Ann Landers (Advice columnist)
4th July 1918 Abigain Van Buren (Advice columnist, twin sister of Ann Landers)
4th July 1924 Eva Marie Saint (Actress)
4th July 1927 Neil Simon (Playwright)
4th July 1928 Gina Lollobrigida (Actress)
4th July 1929 Al Davis (Owner of Oakland Raiders)
4th July 1930 George Steinbrenner (Owner of New York Yankees)
4th July 1931 Stephen Boyd (Actor)
4th July 1938 Bill Withers (Singer)
4th July 1940 Karolyn Grimes (Actress,)
4th July 1943 Geraldo Rivera (reporter, TV presenter)
4th July 1951 Ralph Johnson (Percussionist of the band Earth, Wind and Fire)
4th July 1955 John Waite (Singer)
4th July 1958 Kirk Pengilly (Guitarist for the rockin' band INXS)
4th July 1962 Pam Shriver (former tennis player)
4th July 1963 Matt Malley (bassist for the band Counting Crows)
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