Interesting American Facts

On July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence declaring America's sovereignty. More than 200 years after, the Star Spangled Banner of the United States flies high and reminds us of the freedom that the nation achieved on this date. Before you indulge yourself in an unrestrained July 4th celebration, take a quick look at some of the most interesting facts about America that you will love to read. If you enjoy reading these interesting facts about America, click here and refer this page to your buddies and share the spirit of the occassion. Happy 4th Of July!
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Did you know that...

The term "Uncle Sam" is believed to have originated in 1812, when someone joked that the initials "U.S." stamped on the meat shipments for the US Army stood for "Uncle Sam". This joke eventually led to the idea of Uncle Sam symbolizing the United States government.

Fireworks worth $128.8 million were imported into the U.S. from China in 2002.

Earlier American flags often had a British Union Jack or the motto "Don't Tread on Me".

On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament Building is an American flag.

Ohio is the birthplace of eight Presidents - more than any other state.

The American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) estimated that more than 14000 fireworks displays light up US skies each July 4th.

On July 30, 1916, during World War I, German saboteurs blew up a cache of dynamite at nearby Black Tom Wharf in New Jersey. The explosion did extensive structural damage to the buildings on Ellis Isalnd, and popped some bolts out of the Statue of Liberty's right arm. Officials closed the monument for about a week. When the monument re-opened, and ever since, the arm has been off limits to tourists.

According to the poem (composed by Emma Lazarus) inscribed on a bronze plaque mounted in the base of the Statue since 1903, the figure represented by the Statue of Liberty is a mighty woman with a torch. Her name is "Mother of Exiles".

In the United States of America, thirty places nationwide have "liberty", eleven places have "independence", five places have "freedom" and five places have "America" in their name. Only one place is named "patriot" — Patriot, Indiana, with a population of 202.

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