50 things to do in Summer

A welcome season after a long, hard winter, summertime is one time of year we all love. Here we provide you 50 ideas to let you have a great time during the summer season. Check out these tips, implemement them and who can resist you from having some splendid summer fun? The ideas apply to kids as well as adults. If you like "50 things to do in Summer", click here and forward this page to your buddies and dear ones so that they can benefit from it too. Wish you a happy summertime!

Keep boredom at bay trying out these varied activities in summer:
  1. Engage in bird watching.
  2. Collect rocks.
  3. Have a barbecue.
  4. Play out with your pet.
  5. Make a trip to the beach with friends and/or family members.
  6. Make a lemonade yourself.
  7. Hold a tea party.
  8. Chase butterflies, catch them and then let them go.
  9. Collect caterpillars and bugs.
  10. Plant trees or even a sapling in your garden.
  11. Plant a container garden.
  12. Bathe your pet.
  13. Wash your car.
  14. Feed the birds or squirrels.
  15. Whittle.
  16. Build a sand castle in the beach.
  17. Watch the waves break on the shore.
  18. Look for shapes in the clouds.
  19. Collect sticks and mud and build a bird's nest.
  20. Make and fly paper airplanes.
  21. Have a treasure hunt.
  22. Practice swimming.
  23. Watch a summer blockbuster.
  24. Listen to the chirping of the birds.
  25. Fly kites.
  26. Go for camping.
  27. Sleep under the starlit sky and indulge in stargazing.
  28. Cool yourself in a nearby pool.
  29. Pack in for a picnic outing.
  30. Set up a lemonade stand.
  31. Try making some summer beverages.
  32. Drift in a paddle boat.
  33. Go fishing.
  34. Take a horse ride.
  35. Go trekking.
  36. Take pictures of all that you see around.
  37. Draw the summer landscape.
  38. Tan your body.
  39. Make a sundial.
  40. Cook with solar power.
  41. Brew sun tea.
  42. Blow Bubbles.
  43. Go to the park.
  44. Go biking.
  45. Watch a beautiful sunset.
  46. Do community service work.
  47. Plan a vacation or trip.
  48. Throw a summer party in your home.
  49. Host a potluck at your place.
  50. Have a water fight.
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