Friendship Day Facts

Mainly seen as an American holiday, International Friendship Day is one occassion that needs to be celebrated in every nation of the world. Read some interesting facts associated to this beautiful event and acquaint yourself better with International Friendship Day. If you like these Friendship Day Facts, click here to share them with your buddies. Have a great time together this Friendship Day!

Hope you derive pleasure out of reading these little facts related to Friendship Day:

National Friendship Day was first proclaimed in 1935 by the United States Congress. Henceforth, it is annually celebrated on the first Sunday of every August as a holiday dedicated in honor of friendship.

The entire month of February is designated as the International Friendship Month.

The third Sunday of every September is Women's Friendship Day.

In 1999, Kappa Delta Sorority created National Women’s Friendship Day for all women. It was celebrated on the third Sunday in August, for ten years in a row. The idea was so popular that the celebration was expanded to National Women’s Friendship Month for 2009.

The third week of May is National New Friends, Old Friends Week.

'Best Friends Weekend' is celebrated every year from June 23 - June 25. The occasion was established by the Best Friends Animal Society to honor and protect the rights of animals.

June 23, the first day of the Best Friends Weekend, is "Best Friends' Day".

'Día del Amigo', also known as 'The Spanish Friend's Day', is annually observed on July 20, mainly in countries like Argentina and Uruguay.

In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie - the Pooh, the famous cartoon character as the world's Ambassador of Friendship.

Flowers, gifts, greeting cards and colourful wristbands known as "Friendship Bands", are popular items to be exchanged on every Friendship Day.

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Friendship Day Greeting cards Friendship Day Quotes Friendship Band Friendship Day Jokes

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